Karnali Academy of Health Sciences(KAHS)

Jumla,Karnali, Nepal

Functions, Duties And Powers

Functions, Duties And Powers

  1. The Academy shall have following Functions, Duties and Powers,-
    1. To carry out study, teaching, training and research in various health related subjects in the backward areas,
    2. To provide qualitative and accessible health services,
    3. To conclude an agreement with National and International University, Educational Institution or Hospital for the operation of study, teaching, training and research in the various subjects of health,
    4. To produce skilled human resource necessary for the qualitative health services,
    5. To maintain co-ordination with National and International University, Educational Institution or Hospital for the strengthening various programmes to be operated by the Academy and upgrading quality of such programmes, 
    6. To maintain relation, extent and upgrade with National and International University, Academy and International Institution related to Health and exchange mutual assistance,
    7. To organise or cause to organise workshop, conference, seminar, interaction, health camp and research in the various subjects of health,
    8. To publish or cause to publish various book, leaflet, pamphlet, awareness poster relating to Health,
    9. To carry out or cause to carry out other functions as prescribed.
  2. The functions, duties and powers of the Academy shall be exercised and followed by through the organisation of the Academy.